OLBPD ‘Dimensions’ Newsletter

OLBPD produces a quarterly patron newsletter titled ‘Dimensions’ that is distributed to patrons of our service. The OLBPD Dimensions newsletter features announcements, news, resources, and service updates of interest to our patrons. OLBPD Dimensions is provided in audio, electronic braille, and large print. To receive OLBPD Dimensions in your email box, please subscribe by emailing […]

OLBPD produces a quarterly patron newsletter titled ‘Dimensions’ that is distributed to patrons of our service. The OLBPD Dimensions newsletter features announcements, news, resources, and service updates of interest to our patrons.

OLBPD Dimensions is provided in audio, electronic braille, and large print. To receive OLBPD Dimensions in your email box, please subscribe by emailing olbpd@cplorg.bigscoots-staging.com.

OLBPD Dimensions Newsletters in Multiple Formats

This electronic braille file (.brf) will require a braille reading device or braille transcribing or translating software to open and read properly.